This is the Society’s Christmas get together at a popular hostelry or retreat. Good food, drink and company to start the seasonal festivities.
Evesham’s annual medieval market will boast fascinating and unique stalls, live entertainment, re-enactment and food and drink. The Society stall is usually based in St Lawrence’s Church.
It is a two day event starting at 10 am on Saturday 17 May (end 5 pm) and Sunday (10 am to 4 pm).
The organisers are the Evesham Battle Team ( who are members of our Society).
This is the Society’s Christmas get together at a popular hostelry or retreat. Good food, drink and company to start the seasonal festivities.
This is the Society’s annual popular one-day Day School which features a number of lectures by leading academics, living history and re-enactment. More details will be posted later.
The fee includes refreshments and lunch.
Evesham’s first Wargames Festival to help commemorate the 760th anniversary of the Battle of Evesham. Demonstration and participation games from Ancients to the Age of Napoleon, and more, with a Bring & Buy Sale, refreshments and a chance to meet like minded friends.
This will be held at Wallace House Community Centre, Oat Street, Evesham.
This year is the 760th anniversary of the Battle of Evesham so the Wargames Festival is part of the three day Evesham’s Battle Festival on the 1 to 3 August. Other activities include:
Day 1, Friday when Jousts and Tournaments will be held.
Days 2 and 3 will cover our award winning Medieval Festival and Battle Re-enactments.
King Henry V and Agincourt – was Agincourt England’s finest 3 hours?
Complete with armour, maille and weapons of the period!
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers …”
Come to hear about the greatest battle of England’s most famous warrior King!
A recreation of the horror that was Agincourt and the hero that was Henry.
Lecture in person at the Baptist Church and Community Centre, Offenham WR11 3DY
Was there a prototype outlaw for our modern Robin Hood? If there were, was he at the Battle of Evesham?
The lecture will be delivered through Zoom.
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