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Relief portrait of Simon de Montfort In Capitol House, Washington USA
Simon de Montort depicted in Chartres Cathedral
Simon de Montfort, quarreling with Henry III, 19th-century Illustration
Chronicals of Rochester showing the death of Simon de Montfort (British Library)
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The founder of modern parliament.

Over seven centuries, up to the present day, the system of government championed by Simon de Montfort passed through several periods of change as parliament evolved.

Now known as the House of Commons, Simon de Montfort’s representative parliament is used as a model of government by democracies around the World.

de Montfort

About the Charity and Membership
Merchandise and books

The founder of modern parliament.

In the mid-80s, there was a strong feeling that although Simon de Montfort’s name was remembered locally in various ways (e.g. in street and school names), public knowledge was scant of how significant and pivotal a figure he was and how important the Battle of Evesham was in English history.

There was also insufficient appreciation of how improving awareness and informed knowledge of Simon de Montfort and the battle could boost the town’s visitor numbers. The Simon de Montfort Society was therefore founded in Evesham in 1987 as an heritage and educational charity  registered in the UK (charity number 1092319).